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  1. Unmapped – An order fetched from any channel whose ordered product is not mapped/linked to Master SKU created in Shiprocket system.
  2. Out Of Stock – An order for which the ordered product is not available in stock in Shiprocket system.

Processing :

  1. New – A new order that is fetched from a channel or created in the system which needs to be processed.
  2. Invoiced – An order for which Invoice is generated.


  1. Ready To Ship – An order for which AWB number is assigned and Label is generated.
  2. Pickup Scheduled – An order for which Pickup Request have been sent to the courier company.
  3. Pickup Queued – An order for which the Pickup Request is taken by Shiprocket system and will automatically be sent to the courier company on the next day.
  4. Pickup Error – An order for which there is some error in Pickup Generation (This can be due to some issue in the Order Details or from Courier companies API )

Tracking :

  1. Shipped – Once the order/shipment is taken by the courier company , the order is automatically marked as Shipped.
  2. Delivered – Once the Order/Shipment is delivered to the customer , the order is automatically marked as Delivered.

RTO (Return To Origin): 

(In case the courier company was unable to deliver the order/shipment , the order comes in “RTO“)

  1. RTO Initiated – Once the courier company initiates the RTO at their end, the order is automatically marked as RTO initiated.
  2. RTO Delivered –  Once the order is delivered back to the seller by the courier company , the order is automatically marked as RTO Delivered.
  3. RTO Acknowledged – An order whose RTO is acknowledged by the seller.

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