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Track your
orders easily

Just enter your Mobile Number, AWB tracking number or Order ID & it’s done.


Enter OTP sent to +91-

Click ‘Verify OTP’ to sign up with myShiprocket while accepting our Terms & Conditions.

You will be redirected to myShiprocket to track all your orders.

Can’t Find Your Order Details?

We sent your AWB tracking number to you via Email & SMS upon order confirmation.

What’s your order status?

  • img

    Order Received

    Your order has been received by your courier partner

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    Order Picked

    Your order has been picked up by your courier partner

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    Order In Transit

    Your order is on it’s way to your customer’s address

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    Out For Delivery

    The courier executive is on its way to deliver the order at your customer’s doorstep

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    Reached Destination

    Your order has reached your customer’s city

Why delivery tracking on-the-go

Keep track of your shipments with quick courier-tracking using your AWB tracking number Start shipping

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Learn everything about order tracking

courier tracking system

How Does Courier, Parcel, and Package Tracking System Work

For a seamless eCommerce shopping experience, it is essential to deliver the product promptly to the customer. And that’s where…

Know more

Understanding The Basic Shipping Terms

The process of ordering goods online and receiving them at your doorstep is an amazing process that requires smooth coordination…

Know more

Optimize your order
tracking experience

Always stay informed about your shipments, regardless of your courier partner

  • Track orders shipped with 25+ courier partners in one place
  • Get real-time updates as and when your order status changes
Begin now

Frequently asked questions

How can I know the status of my orders?

Just enter your AWB number or order id to track your packages.

Whom shall I contact if I have concerns?

In case you have concerns about your order and its delivery, please get in touch with the seller your bought it from. Shiprocket cannot provide you with any resolution for the same.

Where can I find the AWB or order id?

We sent your AWB tracking number to you via Email & SMS upon order confirmation. You can find it there.