ShipRocket API Document Helpsheet
The following steps will help you get through Shiprocket API Documentation:
[ Base URL: ]
- Navigate to Shiprocket Settings>Company.
- Click on Generate API User Menu and then Click on Create API User.
- Please enter a Valid Email ID which is different from currently used registered email.
- Input an appropriate password.
- The same credentials will be shared on the given email.
- The next step will be to use the POST Authentication API in the given URL to Generate your Token for each request.
Instructions for Channels:
- GET list of all channels /v1/external/channels: This API helps seller get a list of channels ID and their configurations. After using this request, the seller can then POST Custom Channel Order.
Instructions for Orders:
- POST Create Custom Order /v1/external/orders/create/adhoc : By using this API, the seller can create new orders in Shiprocket Application.
- GET all Orders /v1/external/orders: By passing the parameters in the dev document, the API user can get all the Orders for your user id.
- GET Order ID /v1/external/orders/show/{id}: The user can get Order details for Individual Order id.
- POST Order Cancellation /v1/external/orders/cancel: With this API the seller can post Order Cancellation Status on Shiprocket Application.
- POST Create Channel Order /v1/external/orders/create: By using the API, the seller can create orders for particular Channel in Shiprocket App.
Instructions for Shipments:
- GET all Shipments /v1/external/shipments: Using this request, the API user can get all the shipments created in Shiprocket.
- GET Shipment details /v1/external/shipments/{id}: The seller can get details of a particular shipment ID using this API.
Instructions for AWB Assignment:
- POST /v1/external/courier/assign/awb: Using this request, the API user will generate AWB for a particular shipment. AWB can be assigned in bulk. This API also gives user an option to reassign the AWB.
Instructions for Labels:
- POST Generate Label /v1/external/courier/generate/label: The API User will get a label Url in response. AWB number should be assigned to the Posting Shipment ID.
Instructions for Manifest:
- POST Manifest /v1/external/orders/print/manifest: The user can post multiple Order IDs and get Shiprocket Manifest URL in response.
- POST Generate Manifest /v1/external/manifests/generate: The API user will get Manifest URL when he/she Posts Multiple Shipment IDs in this API.
Instructions for Tracking:
- Get AWB Tracking Details /v1/external/courier/track/awb/{awb_code}: The API user will get tracking data for the particular AWB Number.
- Get Shipment Tracking Details /v1/external/courier/track/shipment/{shipment_id}: Using this request, the user will get tracking details of a particular Shipment ID.