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How To Write Address On an Envelope in India Post?

sahil bajaj

Sahil Bajaj

Senior Specialist @ Shiprocket

January 25, 2024

9 min read

We live in a world where digital messages are sent within a second. It has made us lose touch with conventional ways of transferring written words. At this rate, the coming generation might not even know what a letter and envelope is. Writing a letter and addressing an envelope may seem simple,  but small mistakes can result in the letter getting lost. Have you ever wondered what the right nomenclature is while addressing an envelope?

How To Write Address On an Envelope

Addressing an envelope may seem frivolous, but it plays a crucial role in making sure that your written letters reach their destination correctly and on time. The lost art of writing a letter and addressing an envelope has a lovely old-school charm to it. 

Despite this being a conventional method of transmitting words, it is an essential skill that everyone must possess. In this article, we will detail the right steps for addressing an envelope along with its importance.

Sample of speed post envelope with address
Source: inindiapost.com

Importance of Envelopes

The importance of envelopes is not something that people of today would know as most people consider a letter to be something that is sent at a snail’s pace. However, understanding its importance is essential while sending a formal invitation or even a professional letter. Envelopes are just as important as the message it delivers and the significance of them are detailed below:

  • You are represented through your envelope: The envelope that you send out is what creates the first impression on your receiver. Making a memorable first impact is key as you only get one chance to do so. The envelopes represent you and tell your receiver who you are and what you represent. 

Envelopes are not a substitute for a LinkedIn profile or your work portfolio. It does not tell the receiver why you are unique or how talented you are. The envelope simply is a representation of your integrity, humanity, and personality. It has nothing to do with your qualifications, skills, etc. It does not brag but helps you represent yourself to your receiver by commanding their attention.

  • Envelopes show that you have put in an effort and also paid to send the message: It is not about the price paid but is about the effort you have taken to send a message to your receiver. It shows that you have taken the necessary preparation before delivering a message. Paying for postage services also shows that you have done your research and understand what exactly your receiver is expecting. It represents how much thought you have put in to send some useful information to your target. 

Although this might not create a loud impact on all your messages. It will not be until after your message has been seen that the receiver determines if it was effective or not. 

  • A touch of personalisation, as envelopes are addressed specifically to a person: Envelopes are addressed specifically to a person. Hence, they ensure that they make their receiver the center of attention. When you deliver a message irrespective of the logistics behind the process, you should ensure that you make the reader of the message the center of it all. You write the letter for your receiver, not for self-propaganda.

When you reverse the center of attention, you might as well not send the letter as it will not create an impact on your readers. 

  • Enhanced means of communication: The way we deliver our message is just as important as the actual message. It shows us the importance of envelopes. Setting aside how we choose to communicate, the importance of envelopes is always the same. Envelopes help us immediately make an impression and gain the attention of the reader. It marks your stance and presents you as a professional to your receiver. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Addressing Envelopes

Labeling an envelope has a set of prerequisites. You must ensure that you have the right name and address of the receiver along with a postage stamp. Here below are four steps listed to know how to label an envelope:

  • Confirmation of the sender’s and receiver’s details: You must always ensure that you have the right details of the sender and the receiver while addressing an envelope. You must have the right name (both first name and last name), a detailed address that includes the street name, the building number and unit name, city, state, and the correct PIN code of the location. This data is crucial and requires a double-check before addressing an envelope. Incorrect information while addressing can result in delays and misplacement of letters. 
  • Position of the sender’s information on the envelope: The sender’s details must always be placed on the top left corner of the envelope. These details are vital in case the letter is returned. The address must be written legibly and clearly in either black or blue ink on the envelope. Intricate fonts and cursive letters are to be avoided. In case you are using a labeled envelope, you can fill in the sender’s and receiver’s information in the respective spots. 
  • Position of the recipient’s details on the envelope: The recipient’s details must be written in the center of the envelope. This must be legible and in blue or black ink. Make sure complete words are written without abbreviating any. Extra care must be taken while addressing professional or formal letters. 
  • Adding postage on the envelope: Letters are often delivered back in cases where the postage stamp is absent. They can also be returned if the stamp is not the right one. You can gain insights into what stamps must be used on your letters by calling the local post office. The stamp is to be placed on the top right corner of the envelope and it must be weighed before mailing it.

Special Considerations for Different Occasions

Different addresses are needed for different events, and thus, the addressing procedure on the envelope will also change. For more formal occasions like business events, weddings, sending condolences, etc., the method might be different.

Here listed below are a couple of examples:

1. Wedding invitations: These invitations are considered to be formal ones. Hence the receiver’s complete name must be filled out on the envelope. The complete address of the receiver should also be present. Check the example below:

Wedding Invitation Sample or Example
Source: philindiastamps.com

2. PO Box: In case you intend on sending a letter to a person’s PO Box, you must ensure that you add their name, city, and zip code, and state clearly on the envelope. Here, however, you will mention the PO Box number instead of the street name.

PO Box Example
Source: klemalaw.com

3. Business: When you send a letter to a specific company, you must include the company/department name of the recipient along with their name. This way the letter will reach the right person.

Business Envelope Example or format
Source: certifiedmaillabels.com

4. Postcards: This is a special form of labelling, where the sender’s address and name will not be mentioned on the postcard. A short note accompanied by the recipient’s name on the right side of the card will be accompanied by a postage stamp.

Post Card Example
Source: indianexpress.com

5. Family: When labelling an envelope to family, you can use the entire family name in the recipient’s space. The formula method, however, is to include everyone’s name on the recipient’s space. 

How to Determine the Number of Stamps Needed?

Here is the tricky part. You might often find yourself confused while picking out the right postage stamp. Calculating the postage price for any parcel or letter is rather simple. You can even simply consult the local post office to understand this. Different envelopes and letters have different postal rates. Here’s a list to help you:

  • Postcards require a stamp that has the value of INR 0.5 to INR 6 based on the type of postcard being sent
  • Inland letters require a postage stamp valued at INR 2.50
  • Letters up to the weight of 2 kilograms require stamps of INR 5


No matter what the means of sending out a letter is today, knowing how to address an envelope is a skill that everyone must possess. It is certainly not the most complicated science but is surely a rudimentary skill that you will require. Addressing an envelope will help you gain the attention of your receiver without propaganda. It follows a centric approach grabbing the attention of the recipient with ease. Addressing a label on the envelope requires you to possess the accurate information of the receiver. The full name, address, building name and unit number, city, state, and pin code are non-negotiable.

Understanding the position of where these details of the sender and receiver go is necessary to ensure that your letter gets delivered to the right person at the right place. The addressing must be done clearly to avoid confusion. The stamp to be used is dependent on the size and weight of your envelope. It is certainly a simple technique that you can master in no time.

How should I write an address on a business letter?

It’s quite simple. Start with ‘attention or ATTN’ before the name of the recipient. Write the name of the business in the second line, and then add the building name and street address in the next line. In the last line, add the city, state, and ZIP code.

How many stamps will be needed on a parcel?

The number of stamps required on an envelope will depend on your location and the size and weight of the parcel.

Why is it important to get the address right on envelopes?

Apart from the obvious reason that the right address is needed for the envelopes/parcels to reach their destination, it also ensures timely delivery. It also helps in reaching difficult destinations.

What are some tips I should keep in mind while writing an address?

You should write the address on an envelope in a way that’s easy to read and understand. You should also make sure the address is correct and up-to-date. Some postal services may even have special rules you’ll have to follow when mailing.

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