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Export General Manifest: Importance, Filing Process, and Format

sahil bajaj

Sahil Bajaj

Senior Specialist @ Shiprocket

September 12, 2024

8 min read

A number of documents need to be attached along with the goods that are shipped overseas. Export General Manifest (EGM) is one such document. Obtaining this document is a pre-requisite for ensuring a smooth process as the goods are exported to various overseas destinations. But what exactly is this document all about, and why is it so important? You shall learn all about it as you go through this article. We have explained the importance of the Export General Manifest, its format, the advantages it offers, key requirements for filing it, how it differs from shipping bills and more. Read on to find out!

Export General Manifest

Export General Manifest Detailed

Export General Manifest is an essential legal document which is filed by the shipping carrier to validate export transactions. There is a defined format in which this legal document is drafted. It needs to be obtained before the goods are exported from the port. The document is used at various stages and thus plays a key role in the smooth shipping of goods. Failure to produce this document at the time of customs clearance can result in your shipment getting seized. EGM, along with other necessary shipping documents, serve as proof that your shipment complies with government regulations.

Significance of the Export General Manifest

Here are some of the reasons why EGM is considered significant:

  • It serves as a proof of export of goods. It is filed by the shipment carrier with the customs department as a confirmation of the export of goods. Customs authorities seek EGM to ensure the proof of export.
  • The filing of EGM ensures that the requirements shared in Sections 41 and 42 of the Customs Act are adhered to.
  • It ascertains that the goods that have been shipped from the exporting country are duly accounted for.
  • It enables the exporters to claim various benefits such as MEIS, duty drawback, etc.
  • In some cases, certain goods that are mentioned in the shipping bill are not exported. Such goods are recorded in EGM, and so are short-shipment goods.

Advantages of Export General Manifest in Export Operations

Here is a quick look at the various advantages of obtaining an Export General Manifest:

  1. The Customs Act (1962) has made it necessary to attach EGM while exporting goods to various foreign locations. It ascertains that the exporters adhere to the legal requirements for the export of goods.
  2. It helps in a smooth customs clearance process as the necessary details required to carry out the procedure are mentioned in the document. Thus, it speeds up the export process.
  3. It eases the task of monitoring the shipments and thus enhances security during international trade.
  4. EGM carries a detailed record of the goods loaded on the aircraft or shipping vessels. It is a comprehensive document that covers details about shipment. Thus, it enhances transparency in the shipment process. 
  5. EGM offers data that can be used by the authorities to analyse trade patterns. Based on this, they can make informed decisions and boost economic growth. The data can also be used to analyse if there is a need to alter the export policy in any way.

Who is Responsible for Filing the Export General Manifest?

Export General Manifest is filed by the individual in charge of the air/ocean shipment. He/ she may appoint an agent to accomplish the task. The agent or the individual in charge is liable to comply with the obligations. He is liable to pay penalties in case there is any discrepancy in the information mentioned in the EGM.

Requirements for Filing an Export General Manifest

There are certain mandatory requirements that one needs to follow while filing an EGM. Let’s take a quick look at these requirements:

  1. The signatory i.e., the person-in-charge or the agent, requires signing a declaration to verify the authenticity of the information mentioned in EGM.
  2. In case of any wrong declaration in EGM, the person-in-charge or the agent would face the consequences under Section 117 of the Customs Act. 
  3. EGM report can be amended only if the customs officer is convinced that there is no fraudulent intention behind it. You are required to pay a fee for making amendments to the legal document. It is payable under regulation 3 of the Levy of Fees in the Customs Act.

Structure and Layout of an Export General Manifest

Export Manifest (Vessels) Regulations, 1976 and Export Manifest (Aircraft) Regulations, 1976 need to be followed at the time of filing and issuance of EGM. There are four EGM forms that these regulations consist of. Here is a look at these forms:

  • Form 1 – This form contains a general declaration.
  • Form 2 – This is the passenger manifest form. It includes the vessel name, rotation number, arrival and departure dates, name of the captain and agents, vessel’s currency upon arrival and the amount taken on board. It also includes information about any dangerous drugs and wireless apparatus present in the shipment.
  • Form 3 – There are 2 variations in this form to demarcate exports via vessels and aircraft. The form includes the cargo manifest in case of an aircraft. Some of the details that form a part of a cargo manifest include the captain’s name, port of destination, vessel name, list of goods, any marks on the packages, number of packages, details about the consignor and consignee, lighthouse certificate, shipping bill number and port dues receipt numbers.
    • In the case of vessels, it lists private property belonging to the master, officers and crew members of the ship. Some of the details included in this form are particulars about the vessel, arrival and departure information, number of crew members, their name and designation, particulars about the currency and traveller’s cheques.
  • Form 4 – This form provides a list of private property of the crew and captain in case of aircraft shipment.

Distinguishing Between Shipping Bill and Export General Manifest

Shipping bills and Export General Manifest are different from each other in many ways. Let us take a detailed look at the way they differ from each other:

Shipping BillExport General Manifest
The shipping bill is submitted to the customs authorities by the exporter or their authorised representative. They are held responsible for any misrepresentation in the bill.EGM is filed by the shipping carrier or their agent, who is held accountable for any discrepancy in the document.
It is a pre-shipment document and is thus submitted prior to the loading of goods on the aircraft or vessel.It is a post-shipment document that is submitted after the loading of goods.
It carries advance information about the shipment to help the customs authorities understand the intent of export.It contains a comprehensive list of the cargo onboard. It provides final confirmation about the goods onboard.
Customs authorities, shipping agents, banks, and others involved in the export process have access to the information shared in the shipping bill.Port authorities, customs authorities, and other parties involved in cargo handling and clearance have access to the information included in EGM. 

Facilitate eCommerce Exports with ShiprocketX

ShiprocketX offers different plans to facilitate eCommerce exports. The company is known to have a team of reliable and efficient professionals that ensure secure and hassle free movement of goods to various overseas destinations. They have thorough knowledge about the export procedures, documentation and regulatory norms. They guide you at every step of your export journey including preparation of documents, packaging, seeking necessary permissions, customs clearance and more. 

Their knowledge and expertise have helped several eCommerce businesses boom in the foreign market. You can choose the shipping plan that matches your requirements to ship your goods timely and efficient. ShiprocketX enables you to keep an eye on your shipments as they move across borders by providing real-time updates. It maintains transparency in its dealings to build trust and ensure customer satisfaction.


It is mandatory to attach an Export General Manifest with the shipments that are being exported. It is filed by the individual in charge of shipment or his/ her agent. Any discrepancy found in EGM can lead to heavy penalties. Thus, it is important to fill in the details carefully. The legal document plays a key role in ensuring smooth and secure export of goods and thus benefits the exporters and shipping companies. 

It is equally beneficial for the regulatory authorities as it offers comprehensive data about the goods being shipped. This information can be analysed to understand the trade patterns and make necessary amends to encourage international trade. It also enhances transparency and efficiency in the export process. Those involved in international trade must understand its importance in addition to its format and filing procedure.

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