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Top 5 Advertising Ideas for Global Business Expansion


Sumana Sarmah

Specialist - Marketing @ Shiprocket

October 27, 2022

5 min read

92% of small businesses doing exports make use of advertising and marketing tools to promote their products. 

When you’re a business selling to regions pan India, marketing your products and services as per the buyer persona is not much of a challenge, since majority of Indians have common demographic preferences. But when it comes to international selling, it is significant to know how you can promote your services across diverse cultures and languages. 

Gaining an international foothold is always proportionate to how you attend and respond to the engagement of your global customers. With the internet helping all corners of the world get interconnected, here are a few reasons why you should start advertising your brand to buyers worldwide in the first place.

Advertising Ideas For Small Businesses To Start Selling Internationally

Why is it important to an international business to advertise?

Better Competitive Advantage

While shipping to international markets, you unexpectedly find more dedicated buyers for your products than you would hope for. This is because half of the buyers look for a specific niche which your brand might offer that your domestic competitors don’t. 

Expand On Your Brand Offerings

When your business has a larger and diverse pool of customers to target, you can take more product categories and added services into account and delve into more offerings as a brand. This will not only build your brand’s effectiveness, but also help to capture customers from more regions around the world.

Balance Of Mass Production And Maximum Sales

Not only does advertising help to boost the sales of your business with increased orders flowing in, but also facilitates production of goods and offering services on a large scale. Mass production helps you take up orders quicker in rush season and also helps reduce the cost of production per unit. 

Raise Global Investment Opportunities

As a small business, your brand needs the maximum investing opportunities it can get to expand consistently, and selling across borders is no affordable feat. But with proper advertising of your offerings and brand vision, you can easily nail the best of investors from across the globe to fund your business and help take it global.

5 Ways To Advertise Your Business Globally

Create A Demography-Specific Platform 

When a buyer searches for something online, the most common sites that appear first are the ones with domain names with regional inclusivity – for example, if a seller situated in Canada searches for a particular service, pages ending in “.ca” will pop-up first. Thus, purchasing domain-specific versions of your website helps you reach your target audience faster and better. 

Host Your Products On Global Marketplaces

Your products being a part of global marketplaces like eBay, Amazon and Etsy will have a higher visibility and access than your own brand site, since most internet and eCommerce users in 2022 purchase products from marketplaces rather than exclusive sites. If someone searches for “washing machine in melbourne”, products hosted on an eCommerce marketplace will appear before your brand site does. 

Deliver Goods With Branded Shipping Bills

Bill of lading, or the receipt detailing the products you ship to global destinations, can be created to represent your brand. For instance, you can include your brand colours, logo, or fonts specific to your brand in the bill of lading, and establish a presence wherever your goods are being shipped. 

Offer Brand Info In Regional Language

Interpreting cultural, ethnic and linguistic nuances, varying from country to country and region to region, often poses a challenge for businesses to communicate and support customers as and when needed. 55% of internet users across the globe read & write content online in english, though this number is still not enough to make a global impact. 

Incorporating tools that offer your website’s content in regional languages helps you acquire local audiences and stay at par with your domestic competitors. 

Engage In Personalised Deliveries 

When you advertise your brand, it’s not just the products you are looking to market. Every part of your business plays a part in acquiring buyers, and this includes customising the product packaging to meet the culture of the location you are shipping to. If you are delivering your products in colours or messaging that has an adverse meaning in the destination market, your advertising would not only fail, but create a negative impression on the brand. 

Conclusion: Keeping Marketing Consumer-Friendly And Direct

There isn’t much legroom for experimenting with advertising ideas when it comes to global selling, since grabbing the attention of your international audience is already a challenge when there are plenty of regional brands that perhaps offer services in the same niche that you offer in. Partnering with an international shipping company which is inclusive of eCommerce marketplaces to sell on, as well as provides branded tracking options to your customers while shipping helps minimise the hassles of advertising.

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Sumana Sarmah

Specialist - Marketing @ Shiprocket

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