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How Does Branding Contribute To Increasing eCommerce Sales

June 6, 2019

7 min read

Behind every successful business, there is an idea that shaped it. Therefore, you need to give your business a vision and representation that aligns with this idea. Since eCommerce is growing to become the primary mode of purchase among users, you need to make sure products and the perception of these products is evident in your customer’s mind. This is where branding comes into play! Let’s dwell further to see what branding is and how it is useful for increasing eCommerce sales.

What is branding?

By definition, branding refers to the practice of adding a distinct name, icon, logo, jingle, or any other feature that helps a buyer identify your company and product.

For example, your logo is your company’s identity. It is also your brand. When a new seller comes to your website, he/she will return to your store with the idea of your product backed by the logo, design, symbol, catchline, or any exciting piece they saw, etc.

How does it work?

To create and implement a strong brand for your product, you need to keep in place a strong brand strategy. This brand strategy helps you align your product with the brand you want to create and how you can go about creating it.

Always remember, brand building is not a one time job. To maintain and promote the brand you create, you will need to improvise and innovate with time. Yes, the initial values you base your brand upon don’t change much, but the visual and sensory aspects must be devised to retain freshness in the customer’s mind.

Importance of branding in eCommerce

Branding plays a significant role in the process of influencing your customer’s purchase decisions. To convince more customers to purchase your product, it should be associated with something substantial. Below are a few pointers explaining the importance and advantages of branding :

 How branding plays a pivotal role in increasing eCommerce sales

Give your business an identity

A brand gives your business an outlook. It is a physical and visual aspect of your business that the buyers will remember every time they see your products. It provides your company or product an individual identity that distinguishes it from the rest!

Get loyal customers

Once you onboard buyers who relate with the concept of your brand, chances are they will repeatedly purchase from your store. Moreover, sometimes you might lack in other order fulfillment aspects, but customers will give you a second chance if they identify with what your brand represents and claims. Hence, it is recommended that you build a strong brand to back or instead lead your products.

Improve customer satisfaction

We agree this isn’t directly related, but branding opens the route for two-way communication with customers. A brand represents an efficient way of communicating with the buyer and giving out all the necessary information about the product. Hence, to strengthen communication with customers, build a strong brand for them to relate with.

Methods to establish your brand


Packaging defines the physical imprint of your brand. Hence, invest in branded packaging. Having your brand’s name and logo printed on the packaging material does have an impact on the buyer when they see it. Furthermore, these packages are often reused in their houses. So, your brand can stay with the customer longer than the product itself. You can also do the same for adhesives, like pressure and water sensitive tapes.

Customized packaging is a great option to promote your brand. Sending across small notes and the customer always appreciates discount coupons along with freebies plus the package also makes the buyer feel unique about themselves. Almost, like the brand is exclusively tailored for them.

Post-Order Tracking pages

An aspect of packaging and shipping that is generally ignored, post order tracking pages can retain a customer’s attention for maximum time. Since consumers are actively tracking these pages from time to time, they wouldn’t mind engaging with them if given a chance. Therefore, there is a lot you can do with tracking pages that can help you promote and establish your brand among your buyers.

Technology backed shipping platforms like Shiprocket provide you with these tracking pages that have essential details about your brand. Hence, you can always present them to your customers with ease. Head to the next section to know about these hidden gems that can get you so many repeat customers.


An optimized website that is visually appealing and has a smooth user experience always brings a positive light to your brand. Hence, simplify the navigation, place all information correctly, and provide buyers with a personalized experience on the website. Your website should resonate with your brand in every way! Be it color schemes, ideology, mission, vision, etc.

Influencer marketing

With a large number of influencers making their mark on Instagram these days, it is one of the easiest ways to reach a massive audience. With your brand name, logo, and identity intact, people will relate to it, even more, when a renowned personality endorses or vouches for it.

Promote USP on all channels

With a branding strategy in place, you will work on the unique selling proposition (USP) of your product/store. Hence, it is always a good idea to promote is actively on all social channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

Shiprocket’s Post Ship

In the last section, we briefly talked about how tracking pages are a boon for establishing the branding of your product. Here is a look at how these tracking pages can actually make a difference.

Below is a list of the components of a tracking page that can help you garner repeat customers faster than ever:

Company logo

A logo is the face of the company. Thus, it is imperative you make it visible on the tracking page. This keeps the buyer updated, and you make a place in their mind subliminally.

Company name

Your name is what forms your brand’s identity. If your company’s name is not present on the tracking page, The buyer won’t be able to identify their purchase with the brand’s, and a deeper connection that influences the buyer’s choice will falter.

Support details

As we discussed, branding opens a channel for two-way communication between the company and the buyer. If you provide support details like phone number and email address on the tracking page, the buyer would have no trouble contacting you, and that would build a positive impression on their outlook.

NPS score

An NPS or Net Promoter Score gives you an opportunity to know your buyer’s feedback. You can use this data to improve your services. Also, the buyer feels content as they are confident that their opinion matters.

Marketing banners

Marketing banners are an excellent technique to showcase how vivid your brand is. You can display several different products, personalize the buyer’s experience, and at the same time make sales right from the tracking page.


Similar to marketing banners, links give your buyer a chance to explore other products or services you offer. You can redirect them to related pages or even to their carts and persuade them to make their next purchase.


Branding forms the face of your product, and hence, it is necessary that you utilize it properly to increase your eCommerce sales. Once operated in sync with your marketing and promotional strategies, it can prove to be a beneficial step in your business!

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